12th ICIST 2024

The 12th International Conference on Integration of Science and Technology for Sustainable Development 2024

29 November – 1 December, 2024
Rambhai Barni Rajabhat University (Thailand)

AATSEA Award 2024

Selection criteria in 2024

About the Conference

The 12th ICIST 2024 will be held in Rambhai Barni Rajabhat University (Thailand). AATSEA committees agree to offer awards to the nominees who meet our criteria in qualifications and nomination as follows:-

  • 1. Nominated by other people, - All credentials must be submitted along with the , - Must have no pending administrative or criminal case. AATSEA representative in each country will nominate the proposed awardee and be a committee for final decision with competition.
  • 2. Recommendation letters
  • 3. Submission of nominee’s biodata, recent photo, photos of activities and his/her photos and the necessary documents to serve award consideration and permanent address, phone and email.
  • 4. The awardees must apply to be the honor life membership of AATSEA.
  • 5. The awardee must come to get award plaques by themselves during opening remark of the 12th ICIST 2024 on 30 November 2024.
  • 6. For further inquiries, please contact: ICIST secretary email: aatsea.icist@gmail.com

There are three categories for awarding as follows:-

(1) AATSEA Outstanding Leader Award 2024

AATSEA Outstanding Leader Award 2024 will be offered in country which 6 criteria as follows:- (1) Education and Research, (2) Community Development,(3) Business and Entrepreneurship, (4) Policy Making and Governance and (5) Farming and Production, (6) Special Community Service.

Criteria for selection

1. Education and Research

  • Member of academe or any research institution,
  • Has published relevant researches related to agriculture in local and international journals,
  • His/her research outputs had been adapted by local farmers,
  • Actively participates in conferences/seminars to disseminate research findings

2. Community Development

  • Helps community to establish cooperatives,
  • Has organized and conducted seminars/trainings related to agriculture with emphasis on organic farming,
  • Performs extension services to local farmers.

3. Business and Entrepreneurship

  • Helps farmers/community to sell their products at a competitive price,
  • Helps open market routes to farmers.

4. Policy Making and Governance

  • Government officer,
  • Proponent of laws/directives that promotes organic agriculture,
  • His proposed policies had been adapted and benefited farmers.

5. Farming and Production

  • Currently engaged in actual farming and production of crops/livestock,
  • Practices and promotes organic agriculture,
  • Extends training/extension work to fellow farmers and other clienteles.

6. Special Community Service

  • Sacrifice the experienced work in dynamic fields of agriculture, health (planery, regional, national, community, individual), food safety, food/health security, governance toward achieving sustainable development goals (SDGs).

(2) Award for emerging leaders of young generation

Criteria for selection : Emerging leaders are smart, talented, high-achievers and accomplish the great in their fields; consistently producing more and better work than their peers are subject- matter experts, leads by example, consistent to serve a purpose greater than themselves; ability foster a creative environment and foster growth in others. Award is given to young mean and women who in averaged age of 40 years old who distinguished themselves of dynamic fields of health (Planery, regional, national, community, individual), food safety, food/health security, governance, and in achieving sustainable development goals (SDGs); young as they are but already influence mindsets and global occurrences.

(3) Lifetime Acheivement Award

Criteria : Senior scientists who has retired age, sacrificed and contributed reserch work to create the society.

AATSEA Award 2024

Deadline of nomination: : 30 September 2024, Contact e-mail: ajkasem@gmail.com


For further inquiries, please contact

ICIST secretary email : aatsea.icist@gmail.com